By: Stocksy

Catherine MacBride’s paper planet

Words by Catherine MacBride

It may seem a little odd, but I have always loved paper. As a child, I would sit with scissors in hand, cutting out chains of people & freeing snowflakes from sheets of paper just to entertain myself.

When I started a 365 photography project back in 2011 it didn’t take long to run out of things to photograph. Once again I turned to a blank sheet of white paper; this time to make something to use as a prop. 2458 days later, making stuff from paper has become my “thing” and I’m still taking a photo every day.

With my lights, camera, and sometimes a crash course in geometry, I can bring my imagination to each scene. These images come from my ongoing photography project and represent a glimpse of how I imagine the night would look if the world was made of paper.

Dublin-based creative photographer, Catherine Macbride is a lover of the imagination. She has an affinity for paper and enjoys capturing the intriguing side of ordinary, everyday objects. See more of her work at Stocksy >>